What’s in the Box? #82

What's in the Box?

It’s officially Fall and I couldn’t be more excited.  Where as summer is my favorite time for fresh fruit, the colder months welcome the harvest of the most delicious veggies.  I love the abundance of leafy greens and sweet winter squash and do my best to celebrate their seasonal goodness by incorporating them into as many meals as I can (for the record, I’ve served butternut squash 4 different ways in the last week…that’s how happy I am that it’s fall!).

And my affection for autumn goes beyond the produce.  Now that I’m a mom, I actually look forward to Halloween again.  I love seeing Harper dressed up in her costume (which we purchased yesterday) and finding spooky activities for us to do as a family that give her the opportunity to wear it over and over again (got to get our money’s worth!)

Finally, I love fall because it’s my birthday on Sunday!  I can’t believe I am going to be 31 already.  Seems like just yesterday I was celebrating the big 3-0.  My how time flies :)

So in honor of fall, and in honor of my birthday this weekend, let’s party it up with some fruits and veggies!

Last week we had 8 link ups and it week was a great reminder of why I continue to host this link party.  For one, it’s nice to know I’m not the only person who gets overly excited about local and organic produce.  But more than that, your new and creative ideas on how to make use of it all never ceases to amaze me.  It’s no secret that I am a kale lover through and through.  And even with all the ways I have prepared it, I have never thought about putting it into fried rice.  Nothing short of genius Kirsten :)  Next, broccoli is a weekly staple in our house.  And although I often scramble it in my eggs, I love Sam’s idea of turning it into breakfast tacos.  Finally, I am sure we can all attest to the importance of onions in our lives, but did you ever know an onion could create such beautiful and delicious masterpieces?  Angie of The Novice Gardener has a gift of making ordinary things extraordinary.

Thanks to everyone for linking up and sharing their goodies.  Keep ’em coming :)

And now for my first haul of fall…

What's in the Box? #82

Before I go any further, I have to bring attention to my tomatoes.  Do you notice the sad face on the top tomato?  He’s bummed that his season has come to an end.  So I have decided to make the best out of my last crop of tomatoes, and whip up a Tomato and Corn Pie.  Yum!  And on the side, a lovely green salad, with grated carrots, nuts and dried fruit.

I picked up some boneless pork ribs on sale yesterday. I have never cooked with them before, but was able to find a recipe I am really excited about.  When I was planning out the meal, I thought a side of green beans would compliment the dish nicely and lucky me, I got some fresh ones in my box this week…score!

I roasted up the potatoes tonight for dinner and they were delish.  I tossed them with minced garlic and melted butter and baked them with some chicken for an hour and the result was scrumptious.

Speaking of scrumptious…nothing makes me happier than a huge bunch of kale.  I am officially in heaven.  And I plan on making Kirsten’s fried rice with it for lunch tomorrow.  I have no doubt it will be perfect :)

And for an afternoon snack?  I’m looking forward to having some of that melon with a bowl of cottage cheese.  The perfect balance of savory and sweet.

Finally, fresh oranges.  Is there anything better?  I’m hoping we can hold out on them until Sunday, so I can enjoy a glass or two of orange juice with my breakfast in bed.

Your turn: What are some of your favorite ways to incorporate your CSA fruits and veggies into simple and delicious meals? Looking forward to drooling over your ideas.

Linking up for the first time? Click here for more info…and Welcome!

PS: Don’t forget to tell your readers about the party by linking back to this post and grabbing the official “What’s in the Box?” button at the bottom of my blog. Thanks!

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5 thoughts on “What’s in the Box? #82

  1. Kirsten says:

    Links are popping into my head reading this, Heather!
    I just tried Lydia’s roasted potatoes and green beans with a creamy sesame dressing ( http://www.theperfectpantry.com/2013/09/recipe-for-roasted-green-beans-and-potatoes-with-creamy-sesame-dressing.html ) yesterday and it is delicious. I only made enough beans and potatoes for lunch, so I have extra dressing which I’m cooking ideas around in my head as I type.
    Sarah talks about freshly squeezed OJ and is looking for tips on squeezing ( http://thecookslife.wordpress.com/2013/09/23/fresh-squeezed-orange-juice/ ) if you have any. I am helping with the band fruit fundraiser this year (and, dang it all, girl scout cookie boxes are smaller, lighter, and easier to store in the house!) and interested in ideas, too.
    Those long fat carrots would be perfect for Alyssa’s curried carrot salad ( http://www.everydaymaven.com/2013/curried-carrot-salad/ )

    My daughter bought a veiled sparkly purple witch’s hat on a whim yesterday (I was in the store to buy tea, nearly bought some Polish pottery too) and now her costume ideas are rolling around. Next week I even have a photo of my kids in costume when they were little–it vaguely has something to do with the recipe.

    I’m sharing 2 recipes and a recipe index for you today. First, the index. After 52 weeks of Friday pizza recipes I decided that my drop down pizza recipe category was getting unwieldy, so I made a Visual Pizza Recipe Index. I broke it down by types of dough, fruit topped pizzas, meat topped pizzas, and vegetarian pizzas. Still no plans for a dessert pizza but you never know.

    I’m also sharing a muffin recipe that is guaranteed (guaranteed!!) to give you a Personal Record if you eat some before you walk your first half marathon. Banana Date Pecan muffins–I felt the sweetness of giant bananas and finely chopped dates was enough, and didn’t use any other sweetener (no sugar, no honey, no molasses, no agave, no stevia, no nothing). Please note this guarantee does not apply if you run your first half marathon.

    Lastly, I’m sharing a slow cooker recipe for green tomato chili. Unlike previous slow cooker recipes for green tomato chili that I’ve shared (yes, more than one) this one uses pork and white beans, and is thickened with grits. Because why not?

    Thanks for hosting, Heather, and enjoy those veggies for your Birthday!

  2. […] post is shared on the Wednesday’s Fresh Food Link Up, What’s In The Box, and Together […]

  3. I hope you’ll be getting apples in your box soon, Heather. It’s definitely apple season here in our house. We’ve been eating them fresh and in cooked dishes, and we’ll continue as long as there’s no complaint!

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